
Photo of Saoirse

As an estab­lished and author­i­ta­tive fig­ure in dance music, Saoirse has craft­ed a career that tra­vers­es son­ic worlds, sub­cul­tures and scenes. With each mile­stone, the Irish-born DJ,producer, trUst label boss and Body Move­ments fes­ti­val founder flex­es her cre­ative mus­cle fur­ther – through it all, remain­ing pas­sion­ate about music dis­cov­ery, build­ing inclu­sive com­mu­ni­ty, and adding new dimen­sions to her artistry.

Saoirse’s alle­giance to the elec­tron­ic was forged in her home coun­try of Ire­land, where from begin­nings in inner-city Dublin hous­ing and trail­ing after her moth­er to free par­ties, she cul­ti­vat­ed her obses­sion with the sounds of Left­field, Prodi­gy, and Orbital. The Irish artist cut her path with an endur­ing­ly DIY, by-the-boot­straps spir­it – defy­ing genre snob­bery, scene misog­y­ny, and small-town men­tal­i­ties as she went.

As a teenag­er, her days were spent on local pirate radio and hus­tling for sets in Ireland’s hard house and trance spaces. Slow­ly, she made mon­ey from any jobs she could find, even­tu­al­ly work­ing in Abbey Discs, one of Ireland’s most renowned dance music record stores, and doing sea­son­al work in Ibiza. From this, she began build­ing a globe-trot­ting vinyl col­lec­tion that formed an alter­na­tive edu­ca­tion, and her tastes expand­ed into new realms of house and techno.
