For seven years, EBITDA has embraced the exhilarating realm of dance music, passionately immersing himself in India's underground scene. Their unwavering support for the community has led him to attend over 20 festivals and countless gigs, becoming a driving force behind the growth and vitality of the scene. EBITDA's musical journey is characterised by an open-mindedness and an insatiable curiosity for diverse genres.

With an impressive repertoire of memorable performances, EBITDA has captivated crowds across diverse stages. From a mesmerising sundowner set at "Bangalore Massive" by DNBIndia, to a closing hard-hitting spectacle at Indiranagar Social, a bass-heavy extravaganza at Lalit Hotel's Kitty Ko, and an electrifying driving techno set at Monkey Bar Kolkata, each show is a testament to their versatility and prowess as a performer.

Beyond the beats, EBITDA recognises the profound healing qualities of dance music. It has been his solace and guiding light through difficult times, offering a cathartic release and a path to personal recovery. Harnessing this transformative power with his infectious energy, EBITDA promises to ignite your spirit as you become part of a collective experience that celebrates the power of music to heal, connect, and inspire.

Source: ra.co/dj/ebitda/biography